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Newsletter Number 3
In this issue: behind the scenes | Fundraiser | Special Offer


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Behind the Scenes of rogerandtom

We're a couple of weeks in to our rehearsal and things are really coming together. Above we see the whole cast (Stephen Radochia, Anna Waldron and Andrew Rhodes) hard at work. At right, Anna and Andy are bonding on set. You can see larger versions of these pics here>>

And what do Star Trek, The Truman Show, and rogerandtom all have in common? Click here to read a note from playwright Julien Schwab about his inspirations and influences for this show!



The Final Days of our Fundraiser

We are thrilled to announce that we have surpassed our fundraising goal of $2,500 for our production!

But that doesn't mean that we can't still use your help! Any gifts to our IndieGoGo fundraiser by March 15th will go to improving our lights, scenery, and marketing to get more people to see this show.

And of course, all gifts received before the deadline will qualify for the excellent perks we're offering. Head over to IndieGoGo and check it out!



Dinner and a Show at Foundry

We are pleased to offer a special discount to ticketholders for rogerandtom. Present proof of your purchase at Foundry (upstairs from the Davis Square Theatre) before or after the performance and receive 10% off your food order.



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